My arthritis. My story. My community

We want every one of the 10 million people living with arthritis in the UK to live the life they choose.

To see a world without arthritis, help us change the way the world sees it.

Because it's not always inevitable.
Because it's sometimes preventable.
Because other factors play a part.
Because children can get it.

Arthritis can leave people isolated and alone, unable to open up about their experiences or get the support they deserve. Too often, people hold back from talking about arthritis. In fact, nearly half of people with arthritis we asked said they’ve hidden their pain from a loved one.

It doesn’t have to be this way. By joining our active community, you can help change the way the world sees arthritis. And you’ll be joining an incredible community of people who care and understand like no one else can - because we’re living with arthritis too.

For World Arthritis Day, let's start changing the way the world sees arthritis.

Simply fill out the form on this page and then click JOIN US to reach the next page to add your story information. Thank You.

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You can change your preferences or opt out at any time by contacting us, calling 0300 7900444 or emailing [email protected].

For more information on how we protect and use your personal information, please see our privacy notice.