Join our FREE Professional Network

What will you gain from joining our growing Professional Network?

  • You will get priority access to our national training series events and a 10% discount on our Core Skills National Conference events.
  • We’ll keep you up to date on the latest news, educational resources and developments in MSK care.
  • You can share best practice with other professionals and feed intelligence back into the organisation.
  • Be involved in shaping the future of MSK healthcare and support.

As with all organisations that collect data, we need you to be aware of our overarching privacy rules.  When you join our Professional Network we will collect data on you name, email address, location, job roles and interests so that we can tailor our communication to you. You will remain a member of the Professional Network for 5 years, unless you choose to unsubscribe at any point. At the end of your 5 year membership period, we will contact you to check if you wish to remain in the Professional Network.

Please also take moment to look at the Versus Arthritis Privacy Notice: 
Privacy notice | Consent, data, your rights | Versus Arthritis

For any queries, please email [email protected]